Efficiency Package
Ideal for companies that want a new energy.
High-end photovoltaic modules and inverters, with constant monitoring, both remote and on-site.
Premium Efficiency Package
For those who only want superlative performance.
More efficient photovoltaic modules, combined with a high-ended inverter system, with constant monitoring, both remote and on-site.
Extreme Efficiency Package
For those who prefer high quality and technology.
Highly upgraded photovoltaic modules and inverters, with analytical monitoring, both remote and on-site.
The EPM-PLUS SYSTEM includes all the design, construction and maintenance phases of a plant, regardless of which type of energy saving solution is chosen. Elettropiemme Plus contract: SURE SAVINGS KNOW-HOW AND SPECIALISATION CERTAIN TIME AND INVESTMENT WARRANTY DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WITHIN 24H NO EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE
Thanks to an accurate preliminary check-up, Elettropiemme studies and proposes a specific solution for your needs, optimizing the quality/price ratio with particular attention to the return on investment. In this way, efficiency and savings are ensured.
We guarantee you that only highly trained and up-to-date internal personnel will follow your project, its installation, testing and assistance. Our 50 years of experience are the best reference for reliability and competence.
Thanks to an accurate study and budgeting and by a solid company, you can count on the respect of contractual agreements. With the EPM PLUS contract you will have our commitment to you in black and white.
Our achievements are not the result of improvisations, but the result of industry knowledge, technical updates, and collaborations with all the main and recognized components of the production chain.
Is there a problem? We’ll take care of it right away. Within 24 hours of your call, you will receive our technical team’s support to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.
With Elettropiemme systems you will hardly need any maintenance; our installations normally do not require extraordinary maintenance.
SUN Revamping Package
We renew your efficiency.
We renew your efficiency.
If your company has already installed a photovoltaic system but the system’s performance continues to deteriorate, the time has come to do something. With Elettropiemme your system can return to being not only as efficient as it used to be, but at the same time improve its efficiency and durability.
Do you want to keep your system always at its maximum efficiency?
With Elettropiemme you can guarantee constant maintenance to your system, that always keeps its performance under control. In this way, the Elettropiemme team takes care of the system, monitoring its performance and evaluating the need for repair or replacement of modules or other system components.
To avoid waste and get the best from your system.
Through monitoring and management of the electricity produced, your company can greatly reduce waste to direct energy only where it is really needed. Building automation solutions can offer you the opportunity to make the company more efficient and sustainable.
Call now or ask for more information
Company subject to direction and coordination by
Gefran Soluzioni Srl
Tel. +39 0461 991935
Sede legale: Via Linz, 137
38121 Trento – Italy
Share Capital 70,000.00 Euro I.V.
VAT 01717570228
C.C.I.A.A. di Trento: n. 171901